Registration Information
Welcome to our AJM community
Registration information can be accessed through: and the Registration Form can be accessed through:
Please contact Beatriz Pareja via email at with your completed Registration Form or if you need assistance.
Do you have a child starting school in Fall 2025? The Halton District School Board will be accepting registrations for Junior (Year 1, born 2021) and Senior (Year 2, born 2020) Kindergarten starting in January for September 2025. Learn more:
Please visit to confirm your local school.
Registering your child for Kindergarten
Registration for Kindergarten begins in January. When registering for Kindergarten, please check for further info. The 2 forms that need to be completed are the Student Registration Form & the Kindergarten Parent Questionnaire .
For registration at a school within the Halton District School Board, the following is required:
A completed Student Registration Form
Proof of child’s age: birth certificate or passport or baptismal/faith record for your child
Current Proof of address (any two of the following documents): lease or deed, utility bill, residential telephone bill, moving bill, property tax bill, bank statement, credit card statement, correspondence with a government agency (a drivers license cannot be used for registration).
Proof of child’s citizenship: birth certificate or passport, Record of Landing (IMM 1000)or Permanent Resident Card
Proof of custody: if you are not the parent and your child is under 18 you must provide proof of custody (court order)
We invite you to visit our Virtual Orientation website for more information about Kindergarten
Interested in registering for French Immersion
There is one entry point for French Immersion in HDSB, this is Grade 2, with 100% instruction in French language. Registration for this program occurs between the second week of December and the last school day January each year. French Immersion registration open
Families who arrive in Halton after that date are still permitted to submit a registration form as they arrive, only until the week before Thanksgiving weekend.
Effective 2019 -2020 (Full implementation of new FI model)
No Grade 1 French Immersion Entry (All grade 1 students will have Primary Core French)
Grade 2 - 100% All subjects will be taught in French, including math; no English Language Arts
Grade 3 - 80% French instruction. The 20% of instructional minutes not taught in French will be used to teach English Language Arts
Grade 4-8 - 50% of French language instruction
Students may enter a French Immersion program if they meet the following conditions:
Students are attending Boyne PS for Grade 1 and are interested in registering for FI in Grade 2
Students are coming from a French Immersion program where the hours of instruction in French are equal to or greater than the HDSB French Immersion program.
Students demonstrate a level of fluency (speaking, reading and writing) equal to students in the French Immersion program resulting from regular opportunities to speak French at home or with francophones. This will be demonstrated through a French language assessment done at the Welcome Centre.
New and/or Returning to Ontario
Students from Grade 1 to age 21 must register through the Welcome Centre at 905-335-3665, ext. 3440 if any of the following apply:
entering the Ontario school system for the first time and whose first language is not English (or is a variety of English different from the variety used for instruction in Ontario Schools)
entering HDSB with an International Student Visa (or any visa including Visitor Visas)
entering HDSB with a work permit or a study permit - student and/or parent /guardian holds the permit
entering HDSB with their Permanent Residence Status application in progress
entering HDSB from a French language school from a French language school board
re-entering Ontario after an absence of a year or more (for students whose first language is not English)
If you're new to Halton, the Student Registration Form needs to be completed for registration.